Source: “Race-Baiting Recrimination” by Eddie Griffin
Pauline writes:
As a black woman, I have never respected the rappers or anybody else who call black women all sorts of names and I don't listen to them. My parents taught me better… My take on Imus is he does feel that he can and say things that other people do and say. Joking or no-joking, this language is unacceptable for all people. I never felt the need to belittle and disrespect myself because other people did. In other words, I have never been one to go with the crowd. I have my own identity (of course I have been criticized)… The bottom line is money. Someone said on TV that this type of talk is what sells. I was encouraged to see the sponsors pull out. I would be happy to see those companies who pay to promote the rappers and their disrespectful language pull out their support. On the other hand, they could be put out of business if nobody bought the trash they sell. The world needs a lot of cleansing and purging. We are constantly sinking (spiritually and physically; loss of lives) and those who are looked on as spokespersons does not shout loud enough to be heard. Those who attempt to speak out are not heard.
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